Tuesday, August 10, 2010

First To Start with

As its my very first Post, i would like to write a bit about the name i have chosen for this Blog.Syntatic Sugar is the little variation of Computer Science term called "Syntactic Sugar" .

To be Specific, a construct in a language is called syntactic sugar if it provides an easier way of doing things with in the Language.Considering C , we know that the elements in an array can be accessed using pointer notation  * (a+i)  but to ease the programing  there is a special way of accessing them like  a[i] .
For an other example, in C we need an array of characters to store a String literal but in Java we can directly  code using a  String Variables.

Essentially  Syntactic Sugar speaks about Expressing ideas with ease.  

Somehow i found SYNTATIC SUGAR more reader friendly than syntactic sugar .
an extra c in synta'C'tic looks kinda overhead ..: )
so here it  is    SYNTATIC SUGAR.. 

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